Propane-Powered Vehicles

Propane-Powered Vehicles

If you’ve driven in a metropolitan area recently, you may have seen buses or other commercial vehicles that were propane-powered. You may have also seen passenger vehicles or farm equipment that ran on propane. According to the Propane Education & Research Council, there are approximately 200,000 propane vehicles on the road in the United States. […]

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Tips for Safe Anhydrous Ammonia Storage & Handling

Tips for Safe Anhydrous Ammonia Storage & Handling

What is Anhydrous Ammonia? Anhydrous ammonia is ammonia without the water element. It is a compressed gas or liquid that is widely used in agriculture. The fact of the matter is, however, that anhydrous ammonia is a dangerous, hazardous chemical. It is crucial to handle it with care. If proper safety precautions are not taken, […]

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250lb Strainers on Ammonia Plants

250lb Strainers on Ammonia Plants

Why Replace 250 lb Strainers on Ammonia Plants?  Older ammonia systems may contain 250lb strainers, but they are not allowed in many jurisdictions. Why would they be restricted? If they were once useful, what happened to make them less so? Why can’t you keep yours? These may be some questions that you’re asking yourself as […]

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Maintaining Your Ammonia Pumps While Not in Use

Maintaining Your Ammonia Pumps While Not in Use

If you have ammonia pumps, it’s likely that at certain points of the year they are not in use. They might totally slip your mind during that time, but that’s not such a good idea. Ammonia pumps need to be properly maintained even when not in use so that when you are ready to use […]

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